How can sharing of biometric data reduce fraud?
ID-fraud is a growing and unsolved problem. Existing solutions for user authentication do not enable Banks to control that the person authorizing a payment is the owner of the account. The current solutions are not good enough. When suspicious transactions are identified, preventive steps are often too late.
It is difficult to re-establish trust in online channels when user identities are compromised or lost. For example when the password is forgotten or the BankID-app is lost because the phone is lost, or any other situation when a user is unable to authenticate. Re-establishing identity is costly and insufficient for the banks, and cumbersome for the users. The bank is dependent on using pre-registered information from the user. Common methods for re-opening access are Q&A, sending of activation codes to SMS or e-mail. These weaknesses are exploited by fraudsters who, often through social manipulation, replace users contact details with fraudsters contact details, that banks use to re-establish identity in online channels.
The user identity consists of passwords and onetime codes (generated […]
Kan biometri forhindre digitale bankran?
Mobai ’s CEO Brage Strand gir et innblikk i hvordan biometri kan bidra til å bekjempe svindel, misbruk og digital bankran i finansnæringen. Bruk av biometri innenfor tillitstjenester i regulerte næringer som bank og finans blir stadig oftere vurdert og tatt i bruk som tillegg til andre typer sikkerhet. EU har nok en gang satt dette på kartet gjennom eIDAS2.0, og lagt til rette «remote digital onboarding». I en heldigital verden er muligens ikke lenger fysisk oppmøte for å få utstedt en akseptert og «sterk» ID lenger et krav for å bli kunde i en bank. Biometri er nøkkelen til inkluderende digitalisering. Kan den også brukes til å stoppe digitale bankran?
Betaling og digitaliseringskonferansen 2023
Oslo, 2-3 November 2023, Quality Hotell Expo, Snarøyveien 20
Se resten av programmet her:
European Commission – Security Research Event 2023
Mobai´s director of R&D – Erik Li will demonstrate a face morphing attack detection solution against ID document fraud at the Security Research Event 2023 organised by European
Brussels, october 24 – 25, 2023
See full program here: Security Research Event 2023 – Info
Mobai på Arendalsuken 2023
Digital identitet til alle – hvordan skal vi sammen løse samfunnsutfordringen?
Sentrale aktører i ID-forvaltningen i Norge møtes for å diskutere hvorfor en digital identitet til alle er viktig for å sikre digital inkludering, hva som skal til og hvordan offentlig og privat sektor eventuelt kan samhandle for å løse denne samfunnsutfordringen.
Les mer om arrangementet her:
Sparebank1 Østlandet forbedrer sikkerheten ved utstedelse av BankID med hjelp av ansiktsverifikasjon fra Mobai
Sparebank1 Østlandet ruller i disse dager ut løsning for å forbedre sikkerheten ved utstedelse av BankID med hjelp av ansiktsverifikasjon fra Mobai. Dette åpner for tryggere, enklere og heldigitale prosesser.
Resultatet er at når kunder henvender seg til Sparebank1 Østlandet for å søke om BankID vil banken, i tillegg til å lese av data i passet ved bruk av en skanner, også gjennomføre en ansiktsgjenkjenning som analyserer ansiktet ditt for å sikre at du faktisk er den personen som er avbildet i passet. Og vipps, så vet banken med nær 100 prosent sikkerhet at kunden er den hen sier at hen er.
– Vi er veldig fornøyde med løsningen vi har utviklet i samarbeid […]
NorSIS: ID Konferansen, June 7th 2023
Mobai CEO Brage Strad will discuss how Face Biometrics may be used in the Public sector; advantages and disadvantages, the opportunity and risks.
View full program here:
Sikkerhetsfestivalen 2023, 28-30th August
Mobai CEO Brage Strand to talk about how verified biometrics can reduce fraud and risk.
View full program here:
EAB: Norwegian Biometric Forum, May 25th 2023
Mobai´s director of R&D – Erik Guoqiang Li – A privacy preserving face authentication system for GDPR compliance – how a GDPR compliant face authentication system may change the way we use biometrics on a daily basis
View full program here:
EAB & CITER Biometrics workshop 2023
Mobai´s director of R&D will present and demonstrate Mobai´s deployable face privacy preserving solution with an enhanced security guaranteed by homomorphic encryption.
View the full event-program here:
Mobai sponsors and contributes to Finance Innovation Festival April 24-26 in Bergen
Learn more about the event here: https://www.
Mobai and Brage Strand speaking on #Betalingsformidling2023, March 7-8 in Trondheim
Topic: how to use face verification to prevent account takeover and increasing finance fraud.
Check out the entire program here:
Mobai in Media: Delivering tech to Nordic Bank with Global Ambitions
Expert from the leading Norwegian Finance Media newspaper:
In five years, we are a global company with customers on all continents and a turnover of several hundred millions. The ambition is to be the leading environment in Europe to create safe user experiences that simplify our everyday life, said Brage Strand, the daily leader in Mobai.
– We have built our first products that are used by key players in the Nordic banking industry. Now we start scaling up our commercial business, says Strand. Within a year and a half, multiple Nordic banks will use technology from Mobai, either directly or through partners.
In addition to previous soft-funding of significant size; Mobai raised additional funds during the last year, with another 1 MEUR in convertible instruments.
Among the investors were leading ICT personalities in the Nordics, with the former Evry-CEO Per Hove and Martin Hellum as one of the co-founder’s of the cyber security success Mnemonic
– There are several bigger players who work with cyber security. How should you be successful as […]
Mobai Face Verification achieves top scores in ISO / IEC 30107-3 certification process
A growing number of organisations use biometric face verification for customer onboarding and secure authentication. In parallel, identity theft and loss of sensitive data are on the rise, putting increased focus on quality, security and integrity of underlying technologies and services.
The recent ISO-certification confirms the very high quality of the liveness detection and presentation attack detection capabilities of Mobai’s technology. Mobai received top scores for both Bonafide Presentation Classification Error Rate (BPCER) and Attack Presentation Classification Error Rate (APCER) at 0% in each category respectively.
“The ISO-certification is part of our policy of using recognized and qualified 3rdparties to test and verify our products and services. Openness and transparency are critical factors for building trust. We believe this ISO-certification will strengthen our relationships with key customers and partners” says Brage Strand, CEO of Mobai. The ISO-verification was conducted by the Swiss Center for Biometrics. The report and findings will be shared on request.
About Mobai:
Mobai is a leading biometric face verification company. The service includes face […]
Mobai and Keesing Technologies partner to bring seamless ID verification for secure customer onboarding to market
Mobai AS and Keesing Technologies team up to prevent identity fraud and enhance KYC processes by launching frictionless end-to-end identity verification. The partnership adds cutting-edge face verification technology to one of the world’s premier identity verification platforms, providing a highly secure and trusted means of customer screening and onboarding for both on-site and remote settings.
Mobai, provider of leading biometric solutions, and Keesing Technologies, a leading global identity verification provider, announce a partnership to support businesses all over the world to securely onboard customers face-to-face as well as online with seamless end-to-end identity verification. By joining forces, they offer (online) service providers a frictionless and highly secure Know-Your-Customer (KYC) process that is based on Keesing’s trusted identity verification and state-of-the-art face verification technology from Mobai.
In 2019, Keesing introduced biometric technology to its roster of identity verification solutions. The partnership with Mobai enables the identity verification provider to boost its AuthentiScan product suite with the latest biometric technologies for facial verification. By […]
Awarded funding for a EUR 2.8 million project to improve protection of personal biometric data in partnership with Vipps BankID, Sparebank1 Østlandet, KU Leuven and NTNU
The project, named SALT, (Secure privacy preserving Authentication using faciaL biometrics to proTect your identity), will address and develop new capabilities to Mobai’s face recognition system to improve the quality of facial verification for services subject to eiDAS and AML (anti money laundering) regulations.
The project is partially funded by The Research Council of Norway.
Read the full press release in here (English)
Read the full press release here (Norwegian)
Contact Brage Strand, +47 40490411, brage ‘at’ for questions.
We expand our team in Sales and Business Development
Biometric start up Mobai experience growing interest in its solutions to help streamline ID verification, fight online identity fraud and ID theft, and strengthens the team with experienced executives for further commercialization and international growth.
Petter Taugbøl and Ole Christian Olssøn have signed up as VP of Business Development and VP Sales & Marketing respectively. Petter’s experience stretch from successfully launching MobileID start up Encap internationally, to prepare start-ups for commercialization. Ole Christian brings with him experience from different scale-ups, nationally and internationally. In his previous role, as CEO in Tellu IoT, he merged the company with Telenor eHealth. Prior to his role in Tellu, Ole Christian was head of sales in Signicat, one of the leading companies in Europe in the digital identity and signature market space.
“Mobai experience growing demand for its unique modular biometrics identity and verification solution in Norway and Europe. The Biometric market is developing rapidly as a result of growth in “online services” which again has triggered more and more cases of fraud and […]